Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chinese Almond Cookies

There is a section in my recipe binder labeled "Heirlooms." This particular group of recipes sees the light of day primarily in December. Here is where the cookie recipes from my mom, both grandmothers and my great-grandmother Nana are found. I am the official holiday cookie baker in the family and I declare it officially to be Christmas Cookie season.

I am starting with Chinese Almond Cookies, one of my mom's recipes. I usually start with this recipe because they hold up well in the freezer while I get the other cookies made over the course of the month. That, and they are pretty easy to make. Sift together the dry ingredients, cut in the butter, add egg and almond extract, roll into balls and place an almond on top while pressing down gently to flatten. Then bake. I did say it was a pretty easy recipe, didn't I? I have even simplified step one a bit. Instead of sifting the dry ingredients together, I just use a wire whisk and accomplish the say thing.

Bon appétit!

1 comment:

Jen said...

How many cookies are you going for this year?