Cream is brought to a simmer and then butter is added. When the butter has melted, the chocolate is added. (I used bittersweet, 60% cacao). This is stirred until all the chocolate is incorporated and the mixture is smooth and glossy. At this point, it is basically a ganache.
The ganache is poured into a bowl, covered with plastic and refrigerated for several hours until firm.
With a melon ball scoop, or spoon, or whatever, form the mixture into balls and roll them in whatever strikes your fancy. I used chopped nuts, unsweetened coconut, powdered sugar, and unsweetened cocoa powder. Not all mixed together. See the picture for what I mean.
I placed each truffle in a mini cupcake paper cup and put them in a box.
I think Susie will like them, perhaps more than I liked licking the mixing spoon and bowl.